The meter is a tool for measuring the water supplied or discharged.
The Manager, according to the Regulations, reads the meter of the user twice a year, in order to calculate its consumption. The reading by the Operator takes place through the photo-reading system, i.e. the taking of digital photographs of the dial of the meter and its identification number, with date and time of the survey and relative geographical coordinates. The photo-reading system allows to limit the - statistically small, practically close to zero - percentage of errors present in the readings, as well as to easily document and archive the user's consumption.
The User can, at any time of the year, communicate independently to the Operator the reading of his meter.
Self-reading allows you to pay for the amount of water that is actually consumed, and to avoid presumed readings on account
How is self-reading done?
The counters can be of two types: direct or indirect reading.

In the case of a direct reading meter (Image n.1), the numbers at the top are indicated, as shown by the arrow in the figure. If a number is not aligned, the lower digit is indicated.
In the case of an indirect reading counter (Image n.2), only the whole black digits are indicated from left to right. If the hand is positioned between two numbers, the smaller number is taken.
Water consumption is determined by actual use and type of supply.
For example, in the case of domestic use, consumption varies according to the number of users, the quantity of appliances such as dishwashers and washing machines, and the frequency of their use. It is therefore possible that there are significant differences between your bill and that of other customers without this being due to reading and billing errors. Another thing to keep in mind is that in summer consumption increases considerably compared to winter.
The self-reading of the drinking water meter can be carried out on the dates periodically communicated by Jonica Multiservizi SpA.
Self-reading is the detection of consumption recorded by the meter performed independently by the Customer. This is an easy operation to do, which can be carried out in a short time and is particularly advantageous: it allows you to receive your bill in line with actual consumption.
It is possible to communicate the meter reading through the following channels:
By calling 0964866287 during opening hours;
SMS to the number 3341035188 inserting the data in the following format: customer code # self-reading (the Customer Code is found on the invoice at the top right);
By sending the slips by fax to no. 096484515;
By sending the heels via e-mail:
By sending a photo with Whatsapp: 3341035188

In the photo the reading and the serial number of the meter must be clearly visible and in the caption of the photo the Customer Code shown on the invoice.